Saturday, December 28, 2013

Dream Destination

Amalfi Coast Italy is a dream destination of mine.


A beautiful coast, stunning architecture, Italy. 


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ready, Set, GO!!

to remember

We often hear the statements...
You can DO anything you want,
You can BE anyone you want,
You can GO anywhere you want.

I actually am quite fond of these bold statements. I often dream of all of the things I want to do, all of the places I want to go, and the kind of person I want to become. 

Easier said than done!

But I'm not trying to discourage anyone. I want to believe this...I think I believe this. I hope I believe it, because that's what I tell my students. When I'm counseling, I try my hardest to open up their eyes and hearts to the huge world out there. I don't want them to limit themselves. 

But here's the thing...I'm a goal setter. I'm a list maker. I'm a dreamer and a planner. So I admit that sometimes I need to be more of a DO-ER! Recently, I've been making some great goals and actually sticking to some. As I posted previously, I have a strong desire to become healthier, holistically well. I have been eating a bit healthier but still need to work on it...I have been working out 2-3 days a week but still need to increase the amount. I have been seeing a counselor and she has graduated me to group counseling. I've started to think about myself more. What do I want? I'm 28 years old...I can be selfish. I don't have a family of my own yet so I can actually do, go and become what I want.

On my bucket list I stated that I would like to write 1 blog a week. Well 2-3 weeks went by with no blog so now I'm making up for it. (this is my 3rd blog today). I'm happy as a school counselor. I think I'd be happier to be back in an elementary school, but I'm still happy nonetheless. I'm tired of Hanoi but have decided to make the most of it. ($15- 90 minute massages, $5 bouquets of fresh lilies, and travelling to nearby places such as Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, ect...are just a few examples)

So many goals, so little time...As the quote above says, we can do anything, but not everything. We must PRIORITIZE! But the important thing to remember is that we can plan, daydream, plan, and daydream...but it won't get us anywhere unless we DO.

Peace xx,
Tara Nicole

Twerk It?

So...Obviously Miley Cyrus has been a bit of a topic of conversation lately....

Ok, that's an understatement. There's been a lot of hoopla surrounding her, specifically her VMA performance.

So those of you who know me, my guilty pleasure is celebrity gossip/style, etc... I have trouble remembering the population of Wisconsin, my home state but for some reason I can still remember Justin Timberlake's birthday. (January 31st :)) I like to think that it's because I like learning about people, especially relationships. I am a counselor! That's what I care about for a living. So back on topic...Miley's over-sexual performance wasn't my favorite, but I don't feel like rioting and ranting over it.

But I do give her credit. While she was shocking the world with that performance, her relationship of 4 years was crumbling. And only a few DAYS after the break-up....

Miley has said that the relationship was heading down-hill, but that is usual of most relationships. They don't usually end in a day without anything leading up to it. And when you listen to her song "Wrecking Ball" you can hear and feel the pain! To be honest, I've been listening to this song on repeat. She's got a great voice, the song is very catchy and I'm attracted to anything that shows true emotion.

And I can relate. My old blog focused on the heart-ache I went through about a year and a half ago. I lost the person who I thought was the love of my life. I had moved my life across the world to be with him but nearly four years into the relationship, it was over. And it sucked the life out of me.This is an excerpt from my post "The Truth Hurts"...

"It’s no wonder he deflated under the
cloud that was me.
He forgot who he was.
He forgot why he loved me.
And he remembered how things were better before me.
These thoughts have been coming forth in my mind but now, I finally release them. I admit them. He wasn’t perfect and he made mistakes, but he fell out of love with me.
How does that happen? I didn’t give him any reasons to stay in love with me." 
So even though this was long ago and I've moved on, it seems that with a snap of finger, I'm there again. The emotions of being hurt and alone are hard to forget. Even though I'm so happy now and in an amazing relationship, the words
"We clawed, we chained, our hearts in vain. We jumped, never asking why.We kissed, I fell under your spell...A love no one could deny. Don't you ever say I just walked away
I will always want you
I can't live a lie, running for my life
I will always want you...You wrecked me. "

Peace xx

Inspirational Woman #1

One thing I love is INSPIRATION!

I look for it wherever I can. Usually I find inspiration through quotes and from STRONG, BOLD, COURAGEOUS, UNIQUE WOMEN.

I'm constantly looking to women to look up to. Why? It helps me keep on, keeping on. It lets me know that even if those around me don't agree with me or aren't helping me with my goals and lifestyle, that there are other girls out there that would be my comrades. 

Sometimes, to stay motivated in life, we need the strength and encouragement from others. We need to be able to look at someone who understands what we're going through...someone who gets it! 

As a counselor, I know that people want to RELATE to someone else. Giving someone EMPATHY is an amazing gift to give. 

So without further ado...

Ms. J.K. Rowling is the first inspirational women on my continuous list! 

Now let me just say that I have never even read a Harry Potter book, nor have I seen any of the films...My sister Katey is probably cringing right now with disbelief! But while magical fantasy has never really been my thing, I've recently learned a lot more about this woman. She hasn't had the easiest life. She has been shot down in her career, left in her love life, and struggled to provide for herself and her daughter. She is a reminder that when the going gets tough...KEEP GOING! 

But she had a big dream and a big idea. And she said that it was her dream that kept her going during those difficult times. This speech she gave at a graduation ceremony is what really sold me. What an eloquent speaker with such an inspirational message.

Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy to finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one area where I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realized, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter, and a big idea. And so rock bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
 – J. K. Rowling, "The fringe benefits of failure", 2008

So maybe I will give that little book about a boy named Harry Potter a chance...Find out what that big idea was all about!

Peace xx
Tara Nicole

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sore from....Bowling???

So, like many American women, I am trying (again) to get healthy. And like many women (I hope I'm not alone) this is never an easy task. I tend to get really pumped up about my new fitness and health plan! I get rid of any junk food I have in the house, create an exercise schedule, decide on my goals and pin all the right things on Pinterest. I. Am. Ready.

And it usually goes well for a few days or a few weeks if I'm really ambitious! But then the exercise gets less and less and the pasta and bread start sounding oh so yummy. Typical. I have gone up and down with my weight since I was in 9th grade which was when I first gained a significant amount of weight. And by significant, I mean the most I have ever weighed to this day! I eventually lost the weight and then regained it right on schedule for Freshman year of college.

And Up and Down and Up and Down I go...

Well in actuality, my weight has stayed somewhat stable since about the age of 23, at least within 5-10 pounds. And I often tend to think that I'm "supposed" to be this weight. But in reality, I think I have just settled.

So recently, I have given my health plan a kick-start. However, this time I'm taking a different approach, a holistic approach. The plan is:

~Eat healthy, mostly un-processed foods
~Exercise 3-4 times per week
~Yoga once a week ( I know this IS exercise but it's different...)
~No drinking alcohol during the week and VERY limited amounts on the weekends
~Attending weekly counseling sessions to stay emotionally healthy
~Writing and Reading more are actually parts of my health plan...emotional and mental health!

Well, that's what I've got so far. And so far, so good. I'm in approximately week 4! WooHoo! I'm already feeling better and because I am feeling emotionally healthy, I have a more optimistic view of my physical health.

Random fact...I AM currently SORE from BOWLING! haha. Now can you tell how in-shape I was?! (or wasn't...) I went bowling 2 days ago and played 3.5 games. Not only is my right forearm a bit sore but my left thigh/hamstring aches! Too many lunges...Maybe I need to fix up my form? :)

What do YOU do to stay physically and emotionally healthy?

Peace xx

Monday, September 16, 2013

High School Re-Do

It's the 5th week of the new school year and things have been going quite well! This is now my 3rd year at this school, so I know my way around and I'm actually pretty popular. Sweet! 

Not only am I in the school choir but I've also been on the Student Council for the past 2 years. I walk around the halls confidently as most students smile and say "Hi" when they see me pass them. After school most days I can be found in the school's gym working out or taking a yoga class. Every high school student's dream!

Life is good. 

If only it could have been this good while I was ACTUALLY IN HIGH SCHOOL!! No, I'm not a student, I'm the School Counselor and a teacher of grades 6-9. 

But I had this thought the other day. Am I trying to re-live or re-do my high school years living vicariously through my students? I think a part of me is. 

During high school (during the years 1999-2003 for me) I wasn't any of the things I listed above, except I have always been in the school choir...but that was more of a dorky thing. I had moved from a small, private school to the large, public high school. I was overwhelmed! 

I'm naturally quite shy and definitely a home-body so making new friends in high school wasn't the easiest for me. I started 9th grade as a quiet, chubby girl who loved *NSYNC and Britney Spears. I was a great student but didn't participate in extra-curricular events. Most weekends, I hung out with my family, especially my 2 sisters. How cool is that?!?!

I was the girl who wore pajama pants every day to school while sporting black, boys' band t-shirts, supporting Rancid, Good Charlotte and Less Than Jake. I got my lip and nose pierced and decided that I didn't care to make friends with anyone at my school because they weren't cool anyways! A few years, many tears, and a bout of depression later, I was able to pick myself up again. 

Fast-Forward TEN YEARS LATER (OMG!!!! I'm getting so OLD!) and I still look back on high school as an awkward and overall, LAME time for me. Maybe I was a late bloomer?? I didn't have a first date or drink until college (sophomore year that is) and adjusting to that was a bumpy road.

It wasn't until I became an R.A. (resident assistant) my senior year of college when everything started to come full circle. It had never occurred to me that because of what I went through, I could now RELATE to people, especially those newbie freshmen! In fact, this year-long stint is what gave me the inspiration to become a school counselor and it resulted in giving me 2 of my life-long best friends who were my freshmen residents! 

So I am, given the chance to RE-DO my high school years, to some extent. And not only that, but I have the opportunity to find those shy, awkward girls and boys and perhaps give them some hope that high school is only a brief period in our lives. We will change and won't always have to be remembered as we were those 4 years. 

Look at me. I'm 28 years old. Living and working in a foreign country and traveling to many others, while doing work that I really care about. I have earned my bachelor and master degrees. I've got a great relationship and wonderful friends: some new, some old. And hey, I wasn't even on the Facebook invite list to my 10 year high school reunion that went down this past summer! So while I may still be remembered (or forgotten) by some as a dorky-nobody, I have created my present to suit me, putting old reputations behind me and forging a future that can be anything I put my heart and mind to...Regardless of those weird years, long ago.

Comment below and Share how YOU have changed since High School!!

Peace xx
Me in the center with my 2 sisters and Best friends during H.S.

Loner Tara...Typical during H.S. and Early College Years
The 2 Best Girls I met while being their R.A...Still my best friends Today!

Me today- 28, happy and confident :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The First

Aaaahhh...the first, daunting post! I have so many ideas for different blog posts, but it's always toughest to know how to begin!

Well, first I'd like to say "Welcome to my blog!"

Secondly, you may ask (and I've asked myself) "What's the purpose of this blog?"

I love to write but even more so, I love to share my views and opinions on a variety of different topics! This will serve as a platform for me to share on a variety of topics from fashion to travel, to social issues and my daily life living abroad.

I hope you enjoy and feel free to send me your feedback!

As a counselor and blogger, the underlying will always be to remember that YOU are the ONLY YOU, so be the BEST you can BE.

The title of my blog~ Imagine, Go Confidently, Live~ was inspired by my favorite quote of all from Henry David Thoreau...

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined."

