Aaaahhh...the first, daunting post! I have so many ideas for different blog posts, but it's always toughest to know how to begin!
Well, first I'd like to say "Welcome to my blog!"
Secondly, you may ask (and I've asked myself) "What's the purpose of this blog?"
I love to write but even more so, I love to share my views and opinions on a variety of different topics! This will serve as a platform for me to share on a variety of topics from fashion to travel, to social issues and my daily life living abroad.
I hope you enjoy and feel free to send me your feedback!
As a counselor and blogger, the underlying will always be to remember that YOU are the ONLY YOU, so be the BEST you can BE.
The title of my blog~ Imagine, Go Confidently, Live~ was inspired by my favorite quote of all from Henry David Thoreau...
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined."
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