Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sore from....Bowling???

So, like many American women, I am trying (again) to get healthy. And like many women (I hope I'm not alone) this is never an easy task. I tend to get really pumped up about my new fitness and health plan! I get rid of any junk food I have in the house, create an exercise schedule, decide on my goals and pin all the right things on Pinterest. I. Am. Ready.

And it usually goes well for a few days or a few weeks if I'm really ambitious! But then the exercise gets less and less and the pasta and bread start sounding oh so yummy. Typical. I have gone up and down with my weight since I was in 9th grade which was when I first gained a significant amount of weight. And by significant, I mean the most I have ever weighed to this day! I eventually lost the weight and then regained it right on schedule for Freshman year of college.

And Up and Down and Up and Down I go...

Well in actuality, my weight has stayed somewhat stable since about the age of 23, at least within 5-10 pounds. And I often tend to think that I'm "supposed" to be this weight. But in reality, I think I have just settled.

So recently, I have given my health plan a kick-start. However, this time I'm taking a different approach, a holistic approach. The plan is:

~Eat healthy, mostly un-processed foods
~Exercise 3-4 times per week
~Yoga once a week ( I know this IS exercise but it's different...)
~No drinking alcohol during the week and VERY limited amounts on the weekends
~Attending weekly counseling sessions to stay emotionally healthy
~Writing and Reading more are actually parts of my health plan...emotional and mental health!

Well, that's what I've got so far. And so far, so good. I'm in approximately week 4! WooHoo! I'm already feeling better and because I am feeling emotionally healthy, I have a more optimistic view of my physical health.

Random fact...I AM currently SORE from BOWLING! haha. Now can you tell how in-shape I was?! (or wasn't...) I went bowling 2 days ago and played 3.5 games. Not only is my right forearm a bit sore but my left thigh/hamstring aches! Too many lunges...Maybe I need to fix up my form? :)

What do YOU do to stay physically and emotionally healthy?

Peace xx


  1. Great blog! Thanks!
    I lost more 12 kg in 2.5 months. I really needed it and still have a way to go. I'm 36 and it hasn't been simple.
    It all started with ending an unhealthy, negative relationship.
    Then, I cut out most carbs, have at least 1 alcohol free day a week(which is HUGE for me), have cut out most carbs most of the time as well as almost all processed foods. I actually eat breakfast now!
    I started on exercising 3 times a week, and have gone up to 5 or more in the past month. I go for power walks, do pilates and do Tai Bo with youtube videos at home.
    I feel so much stronger emotionally, physically, spiritually, am super motivated and have a more positive outlook. I've had great encouragement and positive feedback from friends too.
    A great friend once told me - "Nothing changes 'til it changes" and my papa's mantra is "Every day in every way, I must get better and better". I remember these sayings regularly and they help me move forward. Upward and onward!
    Thanks again for you blog and keep up the awesome work!

  2. Good luck! :) I agree, it is easy to get motivated about getting healthy but it is definitely a challenge to stay motivated!

    I just got a YMCA membership today. I think I have gained weight since I moved because I sit at work all day and then go home and sit on the couch. I am going to try and go at least 3 times a week..hopefully more since I have nothing better to do after work. And a coworker and I are going to try out the classes they have too. I also need to start packing a lunch because we eat out way to much at work. It's not very healthy and it's expensive.

    Hopefully we can both stick with it and reach our goals!

  3. Eating out is hard for me too! In Hanoi, it's pretty cheap to eat out and obviously much easier than cooking at home. We made a new goal to cook our own meals at least 3-4 times per week and I've been trying to make my lunch as well! Good luck to you too!
